migraine headaches

Migraine – How It Can Affect Sleep Cycle?


There is a two-way relationship between quality of sleep and migraines. In other words, migraines can affect sleep, and sleep can affect migraines. The American Migraine Foundation noted that those suffering from migraines were two to eight times more likely to have problems with their sleep habits. Additionally, studies have shown that those who had [...]

Migraine – How It Can Affect Sleep Cycle?2024-04-03T21:39:20+00:00

When Stress is a Migraine Trigger: 3 Coping Strategies


Migraines are so much more than just bad headaches—they can be downright debilitating. Migraine episodes can make us miss out on important life events and create disruptions in our daily lives and even personal relationships. But the good news is, understanding your migraine triggers can help you avoid them. Did you know that according to [...]

When Stress is a Migraine Trigger: 3 Coping Strategies2024-02-20T16:54:38+00:00

Migraine food triggers: Your essential guide


If you suffer from migraine headaches, you likely already know that almost anything can serve as a potential headache trigger. Sometimes, a combination of a few factors can lead you to develop a migraine attack. To make things more complicated, a trigger may not cause a migraine attack every single time. However, if you tend [...]

Migraine food triggers: Your essential guide2024-02-20T16:55:38+00:00

Weather Related Migraine Triggers: What You Need to Know


Living in Canada, we have learned to expect extreme weather changes, from extreme cold and polar vortexes in the winter to scorching hot summers. What’s more, there are often large daily variations in temperature and weather, especially in the spring and fall—one day it’s snowing and 0°C degrees outside, and the next day, it’s hot [...]

Weather Related Migraine Triggers: What You Need to Know2024-02-20T16:56:01+00:00

Light sensitivity and migraine headaches: What you need to know


A migraine is a debilitating headache that often causes severe throbbing pain or a pulsating sensation, typically on one side of the head. Light sensitivity, also called photophobia, often occurs with migraine headaches and can be described as abnormally high sensitivity to light. While many people can be sensitive to intense, bright light, for people who [...]

Light sensitivity and migraine headaches: What you need to know2024-02-20T16:59:00+00:00
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