hmc centre

Migraine – How It Can Affect Sleep Cycle?


There is a two-way relationship between quality of sleep and migraines. In other words, migraines can affect sleep, and sleep can affect migraines. The American Migraine Foundation noted that those suffering from migraines were two to eight times more likely to have problems with their sleep habits. Additionally, studies have shown that those who had [...]

Migraine – How It Can Affect Sleep Cycle?2024-04-03T21:39:20+00:00

Hormones And Headaches: 5 things You Need To Know


Many factors can contribute to hormone headaches, including lifestyle, hereditary, and environmental factors. In addition, women often experience menstrual headaches due to hormone changes. Period headaches, also known as hormone headaches, menstrual migraine headaches, and PMS headaches, occur due to fluctuations in estrogen levels. Menstrual migraines and headaches are most likely to occur during either the [...]

Hormones And Headaches: 5 things You Need To Know2024-02-20T16:58:52+00:00
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