HMC Centre

Botox Injections for Cluster Headaches


Cluster Headaches and Botox Injections Cluster headaches are a type of headache that are characterized by severe pain, often described as being like a hot poker or ice pick being driven into the eye or temple. These headaches can be debilitating, and they can occur in cycles of weeks or months. For people who suffer [...]

Botox Injections for Cluster Headaches2023-04-20T19:58:18+00:00

3 Simple Relaxation Techniques for Migraine Relief


Migraine symptoms can be quite debilitating and last for days, disrupting our daily lives and routines. In fact, one study showed that over half of Canadians who suffer from migraines reported that migraine had prevented them from driving, at least for a short time. What’s more, migraine limited getting a good night’s sleep for three-quarters [...]

3 Simple Relaxation Techniques for Migraine Relief2024-02-20T16:58:33+00:00

Migraines and Caring for Your Mental Health: 5 Steps to Improved Mental Well-Being


It’s not surprising that migraines can have a negative impact on migraine sufferers’ mental health – after all, chronic migraines can seriously affect our lifestyle and quality of life. What’s more, migraines can affect almost every aspect of our life, from work performance to family relationships. Psychological stress and migraines are linked together in a [...]

Migraines and Caring for Your Mental Health: 5 Steps to Improved Mental Well-Being2024-02-20T16:58:41+00:00

5 Immune boosting foods to keep you healthy


The immune system has the important task of keeping us healthy and protecting us from pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. Moreover, a healthy diet is important to keep the immune system working at its best. Although there are many nutritional and vitamin supplements available these days, the best way to obtain our nutrients is [...]

5 Immune boosting foods to keep you healthy2024-02-01T19:15:27+00:00

7 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety


Stress seems to be becoming the new normal for Canadians. According to a recent report released by Statistics Canada, one in four Canadians cite stress as the main reason for leaving their job, with 73% of all working adults reporting some level of daily stress. Moreover, the results of the report identified work as the [...]

7 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety2024-02-05T17:45:18+00:00
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